
Planting Cedars

Some Cedar trees have a bluish-gray look from far away,
this is because of the hundreds of berries on their branches.
 Only female cedars produce berries. 
These berries not only look gorgeous on the trees, but they are also an important food source for the birds.

Here is a funny fact about the cedar trees and birds relationship: 
Since these berries don't taste good, 
we can see birds just gobbling them down without savoring them. 
These seeds pass on through the bird's gut unharmed. 
And that's how cedar trees get "planted" around!

I took these pictures at the Platte River State Park.
Cedar trees are one of  the few green plants in the winter landscape of Nebraska.


  1. Maravillosas fotos, encantadoras bayas de cedro!

  2. Hi Leticia,

    I never knew these things about a blue cedar. Thanks for informing me.

    Have a Happy Blue Monday.

  3. Stunning photographs and amazing facts ;D
    Thanks for sharing and Happy Blue Monday to you!

  4. I really enjoyed your visit and your presentation today. That is very interesting about the cedar berries and the birds. New to me.

  5. Interesting fact about the 'planting' of these trees! We have lots of pine trees here in NZ for greenery in the winter, too!

  6. Your cedar berry shots are amazing, specially the last one. I admit I haven't seen a cedar berry in the past. ;)

    Thanks for wishing for our weather to return to normal. And also for sharing these photos of chilled cedar leaves but absolutely beautiful!

  7. Nice pictures - blue berries are such a great look.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  8. Las fotos en grande son preciosas con ese color azul!!
    Buen martes.
    Un beso.

  9. They remind me of "the cedars of Lebanon." Is it from the Bible or something? Gorgeous shots.
