
Five Things About Me

My dear cousin decided to get to know me better, and forced me to write this post. I don't want to write it, but she forced me! Just in case you wonder what is this about, let me make it clear for you, I have not told you this before, so here I go: My cousin forced me to write this post!I'm having a time in my life were everything is upside down, including my house. I have boxes all over the place, because it might be that, this is the time we will move out of Virginia. My home schooled kids (and their teacher) need to get it together for the yearly tests. And I have to cook 3 meals of healthy made-from-scratch food everyday. I haven't thought that maybe my blog needed some update! So, I was just kidding, and I'm very glad that Suzy tagged me! She din't force me. It is time for me to write something on it!

Five Things About Me
  1. I'm a mother. -There was a time when I wasn't a mother. At that time I did many things. I didn't have children so I had all the time to just do what ever I wanted. I went to many places, including parties, restaurants, woman bible studies (that is why I have like 5 bible study workbooks half finished), and visited many cities. I didn't have children I was able to just take off! Also, I took college classes, I stayed late at work, and try to beat the corporate ladder, and even was put in charge. Yep, I was in charge! Wow! In charge!! Me, a woman in charge! Now I have children. I don't think that I should just continue as if I don't have anybody to take care of. I put this "I'm a mother", as my #1 out of my five things about me, because I don't like when people included me in activities as if I didn't have children. The first thing, I want you to know, is that until my kids reach 18, I'm not into "have my own time" "pay a babysitter" and all that philosophy. I'm want to be 24/7 mother. And if, there is any time in between, I read, watch movies, do gardening, do crafts and many other activities.

  2. I like to read. -I'm currently reading The Maker's Diet, by Jordan S. Rubin, and some books from Julia Cameron, including The Sound of Paper, which is part of how I'm here writing this long post. One book that has made me think is, Please Don't Label My Child, by Scott M. Shannon. And by favorite book, apart from the Holy Bible, is Hinds' Feet On High Places, by Hannah Hurnard.

  3. I like to watch movies. -Some of them, I wonder why someone wasted their money making them. But others have made me wonder about our life in this world, and how much we need Jesus, like Border Town with Jenifer Lopez. Rated R, for a good reason! Others had made me cry and laugh at the same time, like Fiddler on the Roof, a very good movie! But my favorite is Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, a movie of a wild horse that never got tame.

  4. I like gardening. -Flowers are beautiful! I like to have a yard full of them. Most of what I plant are perennials (plants that keep coming back year after year) I have many kinds of perennials and is hard to pick my favorite, but because the Blanket Flower blooms early, and continues blooming until frost comes, I will say that the Blanket Flower is my favorite. Gardening, for me, has been like therapy for my condition. I have to do some type of exercise and the bright colors of flowers uplift my spirit.

  5. I like to do crafts. - The kids have activities and sometimes, I end up in a place just sitting in a chair, waiting for them to come back. Or sometimes they play for a long time and I'm just there sitting around. That is when I get my hands into cross stitching, knitting or crocheting. I was taught by my mother, grandmother, and others, that we do this when our housekeeping chores are done. In Mexico I did them when watching the sheep. But sometimes, because my condition, my mood gets down and to uplift it, you might find me cross stitching something colorful, before I feed the kids breakfast.

Well, that is five!

I also like to take pictures....

and people get mad at me.

And I like animals, I like ice cream, I like chocolate, I like soft shoes, I like pizza, I like to run, I like to laugh, I like my church, I like Virginia, I like Hawaii, I like California, I like Texas, I like Nebraska, I like Mary, I like Bob, I like Laura, I like Sandy, I like Erin, I like Jenise, I like Tony, I like Ebony, I like Susy, I like Prici, I like Vero, I like Bessie, I like Mayte, I like Javier, I like Olga, I like Pedro, I like Ginger, I like Wonderful, I like Crystal, I like Sigelda, I like Queta, I like Tristan, I like Grace, I like Noaleen, I like Oreo, I like Almond, I like Cutie, I like you and you, and that, and these and those, and lets not forget about him and her, and that and those, and I also like... well, I'll write it in the next post, my fingers kind of hurt.

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