

This is how my garden looks like these days.

Lately is been the lilies time to show off. But I think this is one of the last lilies, that I was expecting to bloom. When I got it, the label for it said that it's name was Visa.


There is, or was, :(  a red day lily that usually blooms in the middle of summer. But I don't know if I'll get to see it this year. The lily I'm talking about is soo beautiful, and because I liked soo much, I think that I over separated and it might just died.

This happens a lot when I get greedy.

 Over separating plants kills them!!


  1. no se mucho ingles pero eme ncanto elpaisaje de las fotos y tenia q decirlo0o jajaj saludos

  2. Hola!! Gracias! Me da mucho gusto saber que aguien de me pais le gusten mis fotos! Tu blog esta supper!!
