A Man in History
Santa's Problems
Did you enjoy my son's movie in the last post? Guess what? My daughter makes movies too!
Poor Santa, he got sour milk!
Quik Build
Hey I found out how to upload videos!!! For now on I will post the movies my kids make.
This movie was made by my son. I have some more to upload, and then I will show off the ones my daughter made.
Tried and True
On Fridays we get together with a homeschooling minded family and watch and discus The Truth Project videos. So we took my Midwest friend to our home fellowship thing. There came the question of how we met. Its a long story, a 10 year old relationship. Yes ,for all this long, long time this lady has dealt with me! We told the story of how we met, and they were amazed!
I soo wish I had never made some promises. And I soo wish I had never believed the people that just met and told me that they care for me. So, for me, the way I know who my real friends are its, through the time. Yes, friends are not perfect, but how long can they put up with me?
How do you know who is your real friend? How do you know who really cares for you?
Toby Mac - Irene
And here it is with the lyrics.
Back in the Garden
Done that!
TobyMac - Captured (Slideshow With Lyrics)
Yes, I'm alive!! I little lost, but now I'm found!! Really busy fixing the house. Yes a homeschool organisation did a home make over in my house. As soon as I can I will post before and after pics.
We are trying to get back in routine. Is soo good to be able to just sit down and enjoy a meal peacefully, with out a pile of boxes all over the house. So bless with my beautiful home.
Today we are doing school, and a little of jumping on the walls. Here is a video if you need a little music to get you started.
First E-mail
I'll have to tell you why later, but I need to ask you some questions. I hope you don't mind! It's for a really good reason. Do you own or rent your home? Do you have any repairs that need to be done? Please let me know ASAP.
Lets be Surprised!!
For now it will be under the label "Lets be Surprised", but as I keep posting about it, I will change the name of the label to something like "look how much God spoils me" or "He did it again" or "My God is awesome", I'm not sure yet, but for now I will copy and paste the e-mails of how this started.
The picture don't have anything to do with it. I will put them in there just because.
And yes, this is only to show off what the Lord does for me!
Lets be Surprise!!
It's Spring Time!!
And when talking about flowers, there is a plant that comes in many colors. That is why it is called Iris. When planted different colors together, they will look like a rainbow!
All of the following pictures are of German bearded Irises.
I like all of them, but this purple or blue is my favorite.
This is a short type of iris. I love it's dark color among the pastel colors of the spring blooming plants.
And here is a very light pink Iris. I only have one plant of it.
I Cut off dead blossoms and dead bloom stalks when the iris has stopped blossoming. I don't cut back the leaves until they begin to turn brown in the fall because the leaves are needed to produce next year's blooms!
Okay, I'll play!!
To see more pretty bouquets or if you want to participate on the Friday Flowers click here.
Memorial Day
Thank you for your service!!
Mother's Day
Only Green and Only flower buds
And even some of the flowers are green. Look at the Lenten Rose, it has green flowers!
The next bulbs to bloom, in my garden, are the Irises. I have two types of them, the German Irises or Bearded Irises...
and the Dutch Irises.
After the irises bulbs get done blooming, there will come the lilies bulbs (below). Most of them bloom close to the summer. Well, I really don't want to get ahead to much. And even though a green garden is not my favorite, Spring is beautiful. We do have some problems with the pollen, but the weather is so pleasant! No humidity, no mosquitoes, just perfect!
Here is my clematis, it already has some flowers!
This is the salvia.
Here is the Showy Evening Primrose.
This is my faithful Blanket Flower. This plant will bloom all the way to frost!
This is the Shasta Daisy, this plant likes to come up all over the place, but if it comes in a shady place won't do good at the time of blooming. And this is another type of Daisy, called Painted Daisy, its flowers are pink. They are so beautiful! Last year was the first time it bloomed. And only had one flower per plant, I can't wait for all of these buds to open up!
This is the Geranium 'Rozanne'. This is the first year that this plant will bloom in my garden!
This is the Yarrow, I post last year about it. I get all happy when I see a new flower in my garden! I planted it because its beautiful flowers, but I read this very encouraging blog of a lady up in Maine. She grows the Yarrow for skin healing oil and salves.
The next picture is of the Cone Flower. I seen two colors of them white and pink. It blooms some time after the white Shashta Daisy. At the time that I'm tired of white flowers. So, I only grow the pink one. It is also called Echinacea, and is used as medicine to support the immune system, and to purify the blood, especially during season changes and during the cold and flu season. Scientific studies of Echinacea have confirmed the presents of natural chemicals, echinacosides, which increase white blood cell activity.
And finally, the Foxglove! The leaves of the foxglove are medicinally used, despite being highly poisonous. I have read of people having very serious allergic reactions to its polen, its leaves, and even by touching the roots! I always wash my hands after dealing with this plant.Foxglove is extremely useful in treating heart conditions. The constituents of foxglove increase the activity of the heart, arterioles and other muscle tissue. An initial dose can raise blood pressure considerably, but a moderate dose can slow the pulse and cause an irregular pulse to become normal.